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Xenon fire measures

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Particularly dangerous:

Xenon itself does not burn and does not support combustion, but the container and equipment containing xenon in the event of an open flame and high temperature can cause the pressure in the device to rise sharply until it explodes. Apply water to cool the container in the fire and move the container from the fire to an open place if possible. Prevent the risk of cracking or explosion due to the increase of internal pressure caused by high heat.

Fire extinguishing method and extinguishing agent:

Cut off the air supply and cool the container with water to prevent heat explosion. Choose from water, foam, carbon dioxide, dry powder, sand and other fire extinguishing agents suitable for the surrounding fire source.

Fire extinguishing precautions and measures:

When extinguishing the fire, personnel should pay attention to standing on the upper air outlet, pay attention to the ventilation of the surrounding environment, and if necessary, personnel should wear positive pressure breathing devices to prevent suffocation accidents. The air supply is cut off under conditions that ensure the safety of personnel, and the container is cooled with water to prevent it from bursting under heat.


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