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Xenon as an anesthetic has the following characteristics

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1998 Messer Medical initiates the research process of xenon as an inhalation anesthetic

Xenon entered the market as a drug in 2001

Physical and chemical properties of xenon

Xenon has the following chemical and pharmacological characteristics:

(1) High chemical stability;

(2) will not react with surgical materials;

(3) Non-combustible and non-explosive;

(4) Small solubility in blood and tissues;

(5) No metabolites;

(6) Low toxicity of tissues and organs;

(7) Xenon aggregates in hollow organs smaller than nitrous oxide;

(8) Colorless and odorless;

(9) The blood gas distribution coefficient is 0.14 (0.15)


Anesthetic xenon characteristics

Xenon as an anesthetic has the following characteristics:

(1) High anesthesia efficiency;

(2) rapid induction and awakening;

(3) has analgesic effect;

(4) No obvious effect on cardiac function, hemodynamic stability;

(5) It does not affect the pungulothoracic compliance and has no irritation to the respiratory tract

Xenon anesthetic mechanism of action

Xenon binds to or interacts with proteins through deformation distortions in its electron orbital structure, and can also interact with cell membranes, which may be the basis of its anesthetic effects.

Xenon inhibits the cell membrane Ca2+ ion pump, causing an increase in the concentration of Ca2+ in neurons and thus changing its excitability.

Xenon inhibits N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors, inhibits posterior horn neurons of the spinal cord

The feeling of nociceptive stimuli, which has an analgesic effect.


Effects of xenon anesthesia on the body

Effects of xenon on the central nervous system

Xenon has a MAC of 0.71, and the anesthesia effect is stronger than that of laughing gas

It can increase the patient's pain threshold and prolong the response time to auditory stimuli

The effect on the central nervous system is manifested by a dual effect of excitatory and inhibitory

Inhalation concentration > 60% increases cerebral blood flow and is contraindicated in patients with intracranial hypertension.

Effect of xenon on the circulatory system

does not change myocardial voltage compliance ion channels,

No alienating effect on adrenaline-induced arrhythmias.

No effect on myocardial contractility.

Analgesic effect and reduction of stress response are conducive to cardiovascular stability and can reduce the amount of intraoperative analgesics.

Xenon has no significant effect on mesenteric vascular resistance.

Effects of xenon on the respiratory system

Non-irritating to the respiratory tract

Discharge is rapid, spontaneous breathing recovers quickly.

The effect on chest and lung compliance is small

It is beneficial for the elderly as well as people with chronic lung disease.


There should be no obvious effect on liver and kidney function

Xenon can be retained in visceral hollow organs, intestinal lumen and adipose tissue, and is contraindicated in patients with intestinal obstruction.

Implementation of xenon anesthesia

The use of loop-closed-loop low-flow anesthesia reduces xenon consumption.

After intravenous anesthesia induction, oxygen and nitrogen removal, endotracheal intubation, xenon concentration reached 40%~45% sedative hypnosis concentration after 1.5min, and the concentration was increased to 60%~70% after 8min. During the operation, 70% xenon + 30% oxygen is used to maintain anesthesia, and analgesia and muscle relaxants are added as needed.

Application prospects of xenon anesthesia

The high price of xenon anesthesia limits its clinical application, but its application prospects are still very broad, especially for patients with poor cardiac reserve, xenon may be a better choice.


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