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Performance parameters of high purity xenon lamp

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With the development of science and technology, the type of light source of automotive lighting, from the early halogen bulbs, to the current xenon lamps, LED headlights, and even the latest laser lighting systems, every time the new technology is adopted, whether it is that kind of light source, the performance has been greatly improved compared with the past.

The xenon lamp system is composed of xenon bulb and stabilizer, both of which are indispensable, and the biggest difference with halogen lamps is that tungsten filaments are no longer used, which greatly improves the luminous flux and has a longer life. The original car standard xenon lamp is usually in the vehicle design is in it, the current model used is D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D8, etc., and the most common modification market is the same model as the halogen lamp, and the original car xenon lamp is different in that the modified xenon lamp installation is more free, the configuration is diversified, and the personalization is stronger.

The standard power is 35W, the factory standard color temperature is about 4300K, the world is the same, the above data is based on the voltage of 13.5V, that is to say, at the test voltage of 13.5V, the luminous flux is 3200lm, ±3% are in line with the standard range, the B3 value for the life refers to 3% of the bulb life end time within 2000 hours, and the TC value is 63.2% of the lamp life end time within 3000 hours, all the above standards are within this data range, It is a qualified product. It should be noted that the above test is a continuous lighting time with no pauses in between.

If calculated by the use of lights for 1 hour per day on urban roads, the number of days of use of standard xenon bulb products should exceed 6 years due to comprehensive factors such as stabilizers.

Light decay: Affected by the stabilizer, the xenon lamp equipped with the original car standard will have different degrees of light decay after 100-150 hours, and the light decay will exceed 12-15% in about 2000 hours.

By comparing standard xenon lamps and standard halogen lamps, the gap between brightness and life expectancy is more obvious


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