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High purity xenon gas bottle for bulb

In the field of aerospace, xenon is responsible for adjusting the posture of satellites and changing orbits in space. 
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Outbound details
serial numberbottle numberTare weight (kg)Gross weight (kg)Net weight (kg) Krypton gas purity analysis (≥99.999%)test dateout datesettlement dateRemark
Outbound details
serial numberbottle numberTare weight (kg)Gross weight (kg)Net weight (kg)Xenon gas purity analysis (≥99.9995%) (- is not detected by the analyzer)test datesettlement dateRemark
H2O2 +ArN2 COCO2CH4 KrH2 ON2 OC2F6
Add blocking cap and plastic seal when leaving the warehouse.


Xenon settlement quantity (m3)10.019 

Seller: Laboratory: Shopping Guide: Sales Section: Manufacturer: Zhengde


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