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Application of Krypton gas in memory 3D NAND

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The main application areas of krypton gas are memory 3D NAND, Starlink Starlink program, aerospace, insulating glass, electric light source lighting, special tools and some applications in scientific research fields.

Among the major 3D NAND manufacturers, Samsung announced that it has entered the mass production stage of 3D NAND in August 2013, and officially started production at the Xi'an plant in the first quarter of 2014. Several other companies are at least 2 years behind Samsung in 3D NAND flash production. Armory (Toshiba), Micron and SK Hynix officially launched 3D NAND flash memory in 2015. Intel only released its first 3D NAND flash SSD in early April 2016, but primarily for the enterprise market. Driven by these storage giants, NAND Flash is rapidly gaining popularity from 2D NAND to 3D NAND. Recently, Micron released its second-quarter earnings report, and it revealed in a conference call that it will soon start mass production of its fourth-generation 3D NAND storage device based on the company's new RG (replacement gate) architecture. At this point, Micron, Armored Man (Toshiba), SK Hynix and Samsung have officially advanced to the 128th floor, or even higher, and the storage manufacturers have gone crazy for the number of stacked layers of 3D NAND. Market demand is undoubtedly the biggest driving force, with the development of 5G and Internet of Things technology, big data is showing explosive growth, so the demand for storage is also increasing. In 2020, NAND Flash enters the era of 128 layers.


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